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We have large storage rooms, both outdoors and indoors in Glomfjord, and can store most things,
in our rubbhall, steel halls or outdoors and / or in containers. In our halls we have storage space in shelves and on the floor, with few restrictions. Outdoors, we can also store in containers that are 6 and 12 meters long, respectively - all with a width of 2.5 meters. In these we can, for example, store furniture.

Contact us for more information about storage options!

Håvard Jentoftsen
Phone. 48 15 21 60  |


Post: Garasjeveien 5, 8160 Glomfjord

Cell phone: 48 27 48 27

Delivery: Sam Eydes vei 65, 8160 Glomfjord

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Org. nr. 941 553 249

We use EHF-faktura

We use EHF-faktura

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Delivery: Sam Eydes vei 65, 8160 Glomfjord

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